Yield: 10 Rolls
Butter Sugar Topping
150 g Unsalted Butter
75 g White Sugar
300 g Bread Flour
21 g White Sugar
6 g Salt
12 g Skim Milk Powder
5 g Semi-dry Yeast (for rich dough)
160 g Water
36 g Whole Eggs
15 g Butter
Butter Sugar Filling
Mix softened butter and sugar together to form a paste.
Fill mixture into a piping bag.
Put all ingredients except for the butter into the mixer.
Knead for 5 min at a slow speed and for 7 min on medium speed.
Add the butter and finish the kneading until the butter is completely incorporated.
Bulk ferment for 50 min.
Flatten dough and divide dough into 50 g rounds and bench rest for 15 min.
Shape dough into mini loafs.
Proof at 27 °C for 1 hour.
Preheat oven at 180 °C.
After proofing, slit/score the tops of the proofed loaves and pipe the butter sugar filling on top.
Bake at 180 °C for 15 min.
Adapted from: at-Sunrice